Inspirational Keynotes

Get insight in the context of tomorrow and learn about your opportunities.

Inspirational keynotes kick-start innovation

Top speakers tell the story about why we need to invest in a better future, how we can use emerging technologies and what are the concrete opportunities to create value for the next generation of customers.

The quickest way to innovate is to learn from best-in-class cases that have proven their value.  Get a Masterclass and take the short cut to making impact. 

How do you create an irresistable proposition?

Lena Berth, a former journalist turned storytelling expert, specializes in enhancing brand identities through narrative. Her approach extracts and showcases the unique character of each brand, fostering deeper connections with their audiences. Lena’s strategic and creative storytelling has made her a prominent figure in the field, helping companies to stand out and engage effectively with their communities. Her transition from impactful journalism to brand storytelling illustrates the transformative power of narrative in building relationships and brand loyalty.

Book Lena’s 60-minute keynote on Storytelling to elevate your brand’s appeal. Follow up with her workshop for hands-on guidance in crafting your unique story, refining your narrative skills to captivate your audience and set your brand apart.

How to stay relevant in a world where AI is the new normal

Gain insights into the Interaction Economy with Maarten Verschuere. Understand how AI influences consumers, businesses, and society, and learn strategies to stay relevant. Explore a roadmap focusing on people, processes, and technology to thrive in this new era. Ensure your infrastructure is updated and adopt a customer and employee-centric approach to remain competitive.

Key points include:

  • AI as an efficiency platform.
  • Impacts on consumers, businesses, and society.
  • Staying relevant: A roadmap for businesses.
  • Focus on people, processes, and technology.
  • Upgrading infrastructure for the Interaction Economy.
  • Tailored for business leaders preparing for the AI-dominated future.



Managing Change: Empowering Your Organization with AI

Join Maarten Verschuere to discover how AI can empower your organization. Learn about AI basics and recent developments tailored to your team’s needs. Recognize AI as a tool for empowerment, not job replacement. Explore strategies to overcome challenges and successfully integrate AI into your operations. Don’t let fear hinder your organization from harnessing AI’s transformative potential.

Key topics covered:

  • Understanding AI basics and recent developments.
  • Tailored relevance for your organization.
  • Addressing downsides and challenges.
  • Practical steps to implementation.
  • Empowering employees with AI.
  • Designed for teams hesitant about embracing new technology.

C-level Tech update: What's New in Emerging Tech?

Join Maarten Verschuere’s keynote to explore the latest developments in Emerging Tech. Delve into trending AI use cases and tools, and understand their significance in today’s AI-driven landscape. Discover actionable insights to keep your organization ahead of the curve. Address your challenges and unlock the potential of emerging technologies.

This keynote will cover:

  • The rapid evolution of AI.
  • Emerging trends in AI use cases and tools.
  • Relevance in an AI-centric world.
  • Recommended next steps and potential pitfalls.
  • Q&A session tailored for leadership teams or specialized audiences.

Deep dive Masterclass

Cleverland has a global network of experts we can call upon to deliver a deep dive into any topic your organisation needs to learn about.  

Our Deep dive Masterclasses are the most efficiënt way to raise the level of awareness within your organisation and create a professional level of understanding about any topic. 

Let's talk!

Book a session with us now.

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